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This is me at one of my groups exhibitions.


Have a look at the GALLERY or EXHIBITIONS on the links above to see what I do and why it's awesome

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The work that I do with groups is about using creativity to gain a sense of well-being and positivity. ‘Making’ and being creative in a group helps with dexterity, self-confidence, stops a feeling of isolation and keeps your mind active.  There really is no reason not to challenge yourself (or your group) a little.


I work with groups in weekly sessions to create work on a chosen termly theme; this work is then mounted and framed and put together for an exhibition (usually a one day/night event). The exhibition is a real high point for my groups. The artists each have a chance to talk about something new and exciting with their friends and relatives. It's a chance to dress up and show off ideas and creativeness.


Thank you

Bridget Townsend

Tel: 01258 881573





A little about the project:

The artists are connecting with their “past” (using photographs, film, painting and creative writing), the “present” (by making new connections, with schools, community members, members of the public & local businesses and groups) and their “future” (talking about their hopes and dreams for their families and the world at large). Another part of the connecting with the “present” is encouraging people online and in the local community to write to them and share their stories or something about themselves. An example of this is to share a 'selfie' with an incorporated introduction.  As part of the project that Bridget is leading we have also invited groups and individuals to join us for an art session or for a cuppa and a chat.

These connections build new friendships and help the artists feel cared for, loved and included in society which helps towards their self-confidence. The benefits to the artists; half of whom have dementia, include working together builds relationships, empathy is fostered, anxiety lessened and the artist’s feeling of dignity is fostered. Their stories (discussed and interpreted throughout the project) are validated and their sense of worth is further enhanced by the work being given ‘status’ (by being framed and shown in an exhibition). Read more by visiting the blog: (see links to social media on the right)


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